I arrived today from St. Louis. Tired....Had to do some computer work, check email, blah blah blah.
I'm working on something very exciting! Can't say what it is just yet.
The make up artist will be at my place tomorrow morning at 8:30am. I'm shooting tomorrow. The only thing I'm worried about is my knee. It hurts like a bitch! I guess I banged it up while feature dancing at the Hustler club this weekend.
Man, I swear why do I feel so busy all the time? I'm just glad I took 2 days off this month to go to a spa resort.
I gotta finish up here and get ready for bed. Have to wake up at 5:30am.
You all know what a hip hop junkie I am, but I love Three Days Grace! They're from Toronto also. Gotta support my T-Dot peeps! I leave you here with one of their music videos:
AMAZING. i never been so entertained in my life. better watch out with that s22ts dangerous
Hope you knee heals fast, I know how much that can hurt being a runner and all.
Be careful of that body of you'rs
maybe you need to get yourself insured.....dont take anyless than a 100 billion dollars as thats what you'r worth !!!!
You are a busy little girl thats forshore...hope you feel better.
have a great photo shoot :)
u should try to make it to minnesota some time! You would be supprized how many fans would show up. I mean come on what else do we have to do up here but watch movies.
Tired or not tired, you still look good enough to eat ;p. If I'm near I would give you a message, hun. Take care, ayt?!
Thanks for the video. Three Days Grace is a great. I miss them when they played in Maryland. Have fun in St. Louis.
You rock!_! Maybe I know something about animal instincts. LOL.
I love this intense TDG music vid:
Love ya girl!! :) xoxo, Sandee
Hello Nikki,...
Thank you for being so incredible in St Louis. I already can't wait till you come back. You are simply the most amazing pornstar and woman I've ever met! Thanks for the most incredible private dances I've ever had. I thought about you alot when I got home on Saturday. You are simply incredible baby!
Work work work man I wish I was working.
I hope your knee gets better soon!! I cant wait to see what you have coming out.
That's a very good picture.
..but when you say i anserw to the email i'm afraid you forget mine... ; ))
sylvain "the french guy"
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