Valentine's Day is fast approaching. Some love it, some hate it and others don't care either way. I reveal my take on Valentine's Day in the upcoming Steppin' Out Magazine interview which drops on February 9th.
I want to hear your opinions on Valentine's Day. Sound off here...and go!Best comment will win a prize pack from me! I will choose the winner on Valentine's Day (Feb. 14th) Contest for 18+ only
I'm game. Always.
Hate it!
I like it. Gives me reasons to buy you preseents.
In reality I don't need a date on the calendar to do something special for the one I love-to me Valentines Day can be any day...making the person you love feel special by surprising them with a card, massage, dinner, etc
It only takes a few minutes to show someone you really care...that's my 2 cents.
I like valentines day! Seems people that are not happy in their love lives are the ones complaining! Maybe they need to re evaluate what is important in their lives! Everyone needs someone!
Like most holidays these days, the whole thing has become a commercial enterprise. If you truely love someone, you should express it to them in some way everyday. All that aside, the joy of giving is enough for me to take part in it.
I don't like flower or candy co telling me what to do. I think that sending your love flowers ect means more if done of mar 25, jun 13, sep 24 or any other random day of the year is better
A ton of people care dont care about Valentines day but you know what..I do. Because even though Im single right now it gives me hope that one day I can find someone that I can make very happy on this day as well as every other day.
don't like it...cause i'm single now...
i'll recognize it as a holiday if steak and blowjob day on march 14 gets recognized as a holiday
I just saved 96% by being single this Valentine's day!
Already gave you this but again... Better no romance than fake romance. Authentic love is 24/7/365. Another "Hallmark Holiday" created by the marketing geniuses who gave us secretaries day, etc. They can keep their stinkin' VD.
when you beg and beg all year and she says ok hon, its valentines day you can do it this one time, go ahead. That makes it hte best holiday ever!
Valentines Day- Of Course I'm game. If youre not game its because you have lost your inner adventure in life and are inhibited ! Partake in the tradition of being romantic, sultry and full of fire.. It doesnt have to be 'hallmark' by any means. Valentines can be reinvented just like Halloween has been. To make your special one feel admired, revered and then swept off her feet unexpectedly and held to the walls by your desire.. this can be anything but innocent. Bring those desires and animal instincts alive in this holiday. Warm yourself to the zest that every other holiday fails to rise out of us.
If you are in love, you shouldn't need a made up holiday to show it. Should be more of a year round thing.
Holidays are in the spirit, express your love all year, be a good partner, but making one day special for that person is always a nice way to boost their confidence and your lovelife, it's not about the commercialism, you don't have to spend cash to make one day special, Valentines day or not. It's about positive feeling and love. like I said, it's in the spirit not the wallet.
Im not a fan of the coporate created holiday or the notion that if i dont choose the day that THEY chose to show my gratitude then im not a good boyfriend. I dismiss the feeling because at the end of the day if my special lady is happy then thats all that matters.
Valentine's Day
Been there, Done that
No strings, No cash
Know real, Know love
Been there, Done that
Seen that, Done this
Known love, No cash
No love, know biz
Seen that, Done this
Love me
Love you
Love us
One Love
VD's like power pellets in Pacman. If you feel happy with your bf/gf, or single but got someone in mind, VD is just an excuse or chance to make better things happen. And like power pellets, it's only for a certain time.
If you dont feel like it, VD is a load of shit that strangers shove in your face.
Valentine's Day should be officially changed to Nikki Benz Day!
VD is a day of love. To me, true love is more than a man and a wife, a boyfriend and girlfriend. True love should exist infinitely in each and everybody. We shouldn't need a holiday to spread love. Love should be a never ending vibe to everyone around the world. This will make the world a much better place. One love...
Valentines Day is a lame corporate gimmick to sucker everyone into buy flowers and chocolate!! Showing someone how much you love them should be a frequent or or even spur of the moment, not on some set date. think outside the box, though chocolates, flowers and teddybears are nice they are played out! Give something straight from the heart, write a poem, song hell make something... And you can rarely go wrong with Bacon!!! Benz Mafia!!
I would like valentines day more if I actually had a girlfriend for one :D
why spend your time with these creeps talking about love and romance when they don't even know you I'm real and down to earth lets go to tiffany baby ill show you a good time also add me on twitter @GeoThatGuy
If u have to buy flowers that are overpriced, buy a stupid love card just to get some....u my friend are a loser....get your balls out of her purse, take the tampon out of your mangina and man the f up! Have a nice day :) @I_get_awesome
If you love someone you don't need a specific date ... Every day you are blessed to have him/her...
I'm married but I still love Valentine's Day. Me and my wife both celebrate it differently every year but the night is always ours O:-)
This will be the first year we will be far from each other on that very special day for both of us :(
Anyway, when we'll meet again, we will *definatly* celebrate it :)
quite frankly I hate valentines day. so much pressure is put on us guys and for what? hallmark to make a few extra bucks? its bull. if I love you you'll see it 365, or 366 that odd year, days a year. you shouldn't need a day to show you love some one. how bout we change it to love making day cause thats what its really all about. guys get the best gift they can so they can get the best sex they will get all year. I think it's quite pointless. take Nikki Benz for example. ima love her till the 30th of February. can february 14th tell you that? I don't think so!
Valentine's Day doesn't have to be a day for lovers - It also can be a day for friends and family. I guess it is a very nice day to share with all you love and like. So enjoy it and don't say you don't need love - We all do. Send cards, roses, or give your GF/BF and romantic day that proves your love.
Valentine's Day is for everyone.
I like Valentine's Day :). It's the most romantic day of the year where you get to shower your girlfriend in flowers, chocolate and presents!
I think it is a good bloody excuse to waste/spend money on rather expensive chocolates and soddin flowers. We say money can't buy love, but I think other wise. One night date with a girl in a four star restaurant wearing a Gucci suit In LA, that girl is in my bed making sweet Valentines Day love. Of course the girl means a lot to me, but I think does the girl think same of me, or she fancies my fat wallet. what do you think?
I think the day is a day to remember all your lost loves and what you can do different this time around...learning from your mistakes and broken hearts.
Try to find something unusual and unexpected...not flowers or fatty candy...something from the heart.
And send love to our troops over seas...they need to know people are thinking about them and their sacrifice!!
Benznation on twitter says-its a made up bullshit holiday that stimulates the economy. I say if you want to stimulate something then find out where the G spot is located! Lol!
Yes I agree that valentines day is a commercial cash grab, and yes I agree that if you truly love someone you should be showing your love to your significant other everyday of the year.
In saying that, I am newly engaged an looking forward to spending the rest of my life with my fiancé. I tell get everyday that I do love her, and I do take her out or by her small things through out the year.
I have always used valentines day to really spoil her and go above and beyond. Sometimes the small insignificant gifts/gestures that really mean the most. Valentines day is also a day where the guy can show off to her friends (lol), not that it is a competition between one couple to another.
You can spend V-Day as elaborate as you want or as low key as you want.
I know that me and my fiancé will enjoy every moment together.
I´ll comment in spanish for you Nikki.
Creo que San ValentÃn es una buena fecha para expresar nuestro amor a nuestra pareja. Anyway I´m always buying presents (chocolates and clothes) for her.qweiop3
when i was with someone i did the world for them. Make manacotti from scratch, candles, roses, wine. the whole nine yards. and while i was cooking i had a bath drawn for them and a nice comfy plush robe to wear. after we ate i would clean up and tell her the rest of the night is all hers to do as she pleases.
now i am alone and do the traditional thing i have done the last 17 years with my daughter. Send her a card, flowers, and chocolate. she always calls and says " dad i didn't get you anything" and i say " calling me is enough".
That is my valentines day.
I'm game...
Valentine's Day is like a red and pink, heart-shaped stop sign for all of us. Some will poo-poo it, some will express their love of it, some will say it is a corporate holiday, and some will be depressed because there is no one in their lives to share it with... Whatever the case may be, it is a time to stop and reflect on the emotional side of life:
If you don't like it, so be it and move on.
If you are single, then take the time to share it with someone in your family, a great friend, and so on. No one said it HAS to be your partner.
If you are in a so-so relationship, maybe this is the wake up call to either do something better or get the hell out.
If you are in a great relationship, it is a time to show that person that no matter what, you are happy they are in your life.
When all is said and done, Valentine's Day, like life, is what you make it.
There comes a time when all material things lose their luster and all that is left is love.- my rendition of a quote from some king in a conan movie lol. so yes i like a day in tribute to love.
Valentine's Day hasnt ment much and it's just another "Card-Candy" holiday.The one time i did do something for my girlfriend and she never appreciated it,so since then if i am with someone i dont make a big deal out of it.
All go with this quote from H.L.Mencken - it kind of explains why I never got married and why I don't give out Valentines either.
"Bachelors know more about women than married men; if they didn't they'd be married too."
Honestly- Its all about your significant other.If they love V-Day and think its the most important day of the year then take them seriously and plan something nice for them.Something that they won't forget.And make them happy.Don't be a selfish little bitch and think "me me me" always.Just because you hate Valentines Day, don't ruin it for someone who loves it.SR
I'm game! No matter if I'm single or with somebody, someone always comes through with treats! Bring on the cupcakes!
Im game for Valentines Day. But it has gotten lame in present times. No one really knows how to enjoy a holiday anymore. Everyone forgets the meaning behind holiday times. Its like this, most people go out for Valentines day- that is LAME. I would rather stay home and cook a meal for some one special, or do something that you haven't done in a while, like go bowling or go to a spa together for the day. Ok, and I make one exception cuz this place is fucking awesome, the Melting Pot, if you go there to eat its an exception to the rule. And your kind of cooking in a way. But you should/ and can do that at home too. Its a time to have fun together. Be adventurous, and daring. Try different things, its a time to really reconnect with each other in lifes busy times and remind us life is good. Its not always about getting that right card, right box of candy, right flower.....because that card will get thrown out, the box of candy will be eaten, and the flower will pass on in its life. Make a memory, if its good enough, it will out last any card, any box of candy, and any flower. I remember the one best Valentines Day I ever have had to this day. I lined up rose petals from the door to the kitchen, had the most beautiful roses from my grandfathers shop-yellow with orange tips, had a bear and cake mix. We baked a cake together after she came home. Hell, I think the most fun was setting it all up for the surprise factor, but then we had fun baking a cake together. Just enjoying time. But like I said, Im GAME when everyone needs to stop being LAME, be bold and change things up, dare to be non-traditional and be innovative for once, thats how you keep a relationship from going sour, you gota add a little spice to keeps things nice, lol.
In todays society when we are inundated with death/war/sickness/why not hold on for one special day whether it be Valentines or any day of your choice; what's wrong with giving a gift like jewelry, chocolates, flowers etcetera. I hear people say Valentines is a "corporate holidaY" maybe I agree, maybe I don't...but to me there is nothing better than seeing the smile on her face of the one you truly love when you give her a gift from your heart...
A gift from your heart, it doesn't mean you need to spend "X" amount of dollars, you can write a letter to your lover, you could run a bubble bath, or take a walk in the park....there are countless things one can do for that special somebody-open your horizons and think outside of the box.
For me I will continue to not only celebrate Valentines, but I will celebrate everyday I am with my girlfriend...
It's been four years since we've been together this June, and I will ask her to marry me-to spend the rest of my life with her is all I want.
In conclusion; Valentines day or not, just show that special person you really do care about them, one of my favorite quotes says it best: "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present."
I say GAME ON! Valentine's Day gives every lady a day to get sexy, get pampered, and plan something fun and flirty for the night! Whether it be with your boyfriend/husband or a group of your favorite single girlfriends, Valentine's Day gives us a great excuse to ooze that sex appeal! AND EVERY CONFIDENT WOMAN IN MY EYES IS A SECCCCCCI WOMAN! Valentine's Day in my calendar is a National Holiday - I am going to take the WHOLE day off to spend with my man. My boyfriend and I love watching your porn, keep it cummin;) If you hook us up with your "special package" we would be more than thankful and would make this our best Valentine's Day yet~! Happy Valentine's Day!! MAKE IT 1 2 REMEMBER!!!! <3
im on game, everyday we should demonstrate its a day of love for all of our loved, friends girlfriends or family
For me Valentine's Day is lame. Purely for selfish reasons.
About 5 years ago I had my heart ripped out and handed to me on Valentines Day, by the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
Without giving names and details it turns out she wanted to spend her life with someone else and had, in fact, already started that life behind my back. She told me at our Valentine's meal as 'the guilt was hurting too bad'.
I just sat there in the restaurant for about an hour staring into space. Been single ever since.
Some say it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I don't believe that, never have, never will...
Like it! When I was single I didn't,but now married for ova 7 yrs with a 3 year old dtr. Because of her I find celebrating these lil holidays make it so much more fun! She's my light and my love and for me now valentines day is a special day for celebrating our little family of 3-tho we do that all the time:) happy valentines day
Simple: Women love it and men hate it.
I don't like it to much - it increases your chance of having sex on that day - but NOT with Nikki Benz ;)
I think Valentine's day is a day that is made for the girlfriend and wife, just like Mother's Day is for all the mommies out there. Yes is a day that you have to buy a gift for your loved one, and hopefully have fantastic sex all night too. But it also shows that even though your special all year round, that one day is super special and it's your day to shine.
I enjoy it. It's got a little something for everyone. For my girl it's romance that isn't always there day in and day out and for me it's the kinky shit she won't do on a Tuesday night or without a bottle of wine. Win/Win in my book.
Valentine's day is a lot like all the other great holidays: you get out of it what you put into it. If people write it off as "corporate" and don't give it a chance then they'll wind up not enjoying it because of the jaded view. Just like everything else, if you go in willing to have a good time, that's what you'll get. Whether that means the cheesy romance like flowers, candlelight and poetry; or if it just means a regular night out with whoever your special someone is for the time being or the night.
F@&$'n Hate It!
Great day to get some chocolates for the girl and cuddle up.
I hate it
is just a poor excuse to sell things, if Valentine's Day had a face I'll punch it a lot of times
im on game, everyday we should demonstrate its a day of love for all of our loved, friends girlfriends or family
A ton of people care dont care about Valentines day but you know what..I do. Because even though Im single right now it gives me hope that one day I can find someone that I can make very happy on this day as well as every other day.
Just because Valentine’s Day is meant to be spent celebrating with your loved ones doesn't mean that you can't also celebrate with your coworkers. Here are Top 7 Virtual employee engagement activities for valentine's day event.
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