Here are some pics from last night. Puma, her fiance Keiran Lee, Keiran's sister visiting from the UK and Duane were all there and of course me! Our dinner was amazing. I love Boa!

The SWENZ giving the finger, as usual LOL

The SWENZ being pervs and violating our baked potato! Hahhaha

Group shot!

p.s. Thank you Puma for the pics! xoxo
Hi...yes I like to read your blog, being a litle far from you (lol) it's the only're an amazing women in all aspects...and I'm glad you notice my present, nice photos (be gentle with the potato.:)))feeling good....well I'm also feeling good...and guess what it's not raining...
Keiran's sister is kinda hot. Does she live here in London? LOL!!!
Congratulations to Keiran and Johanna! That's great. I wish them both all the happiness. Are you going to lose half the Swenz?
By golly! That's a big potato. The SWENZ knows how to deal with the situation. ;)
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