I've been feeling like shit ever since I came back from NYC. I was there feature dancing in Queens, NY. My flight back from NY was horrible. It was delayed at LaGuardia airport, so that meant that I would miss my connecting flight in Philly, and of course I did. Sitting at the Philly airport waiting for my flight to L.A. sucked!
I was so tired to begin with, and going on no sleep because I didn't finish at the club til almost 6 AM didn't make it any easier on me. Tyler Faith, Ashton Moore and I were all feature dancing at the same club at the same time. I had fun with them and I'm glad we all got to once again hang out. I love those girls! The three of us used to be contract girls for Jill Kelly Productions. They're good people!
Anyway, our last night there was fun, but then at the end of the night we had to wait and sit around til 5:30AM to get paid. The club manager was having a lot of problems with his staff that night, so it was understandable. However, if you've been working all night the last thing you want to do is wait for two hours to get paid.
Once we got paid I headed back to my hotel to pack for my flight that morning, but not before stopping at Dunkin' Donuts to get some coffee to help me stay up so I could pack up my suitcases. I called a taxi, once it arrived we drove to LaGuardia airport, which is in Queens, NY. After finding out that my flight from LaGuardia to Philly was delayed that pretty much ruined my whole day. It's a long travel day from NY to LA with a layover in Philly as it is, and since I didn't sleep at all that night it made it that much longer.
So, my point is that I feel like crap ever since that day I can't seem to get back into my groove. I feel all off or something. I think what it might be is that I'm simply burnt out from traveling, shooting, feature dancing, working constantly on my computer, running errands, hardly spending time at home due to traveling, etc. Can I complain any more! LOL I just really need some time off to re-energize. I hope that my vacation plans in February work out, because I need one sooooo bad!
I haven't had a real, one week vacation on over 4 or 5 years. I'm kind of a workaholic if you haven't noticed. LOL
I'm supposed to do a bunch of paper work and computer work today, but I just don't feel up to it. I normally never ever take naps during the day, but I think I might today.
Tomorrow, I've got a shoot for Reality Kings. That should be fun! I love shooting for internet companies. Anyway, I'm going to try and take a nap, at least for an hour. Maybe I'll feel better afterwards.
Love you guys. Hope you're having a better week than I am.
Well Nikki, You already know but sometimes life sucks (..one bad news never came alone...) hope you're feeling better after writing in your Blog, it works for me and sometimes it's good to share some thoughts, ideas, problems,etc...and have someone to listen to them....perhaps you work to much, but try to see the positive side...your work is apreciated and you will be remember...for example take a look at me, I have two jobs on a damm store that I want to leave (but I can't because I need the €€€)and a part-time in a environmental company...I only have Sunday to take a walk,dating,...(..and Saturday night:)))...but things most change one day...and those changes are made by ourselves...You see sometimes I also fell like crap...but I enjoy writing this...so now rest (lay down with Tobby..) because tomorrow is another day..and it can't always rain...
Yours truly Luis
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Well, If you have ever considered writing some script to automate those things that you are doing several times on a daily basis, then you have a great and easy way to automate the entir e process. It comes without saying that a few imacros and firefox add-ons will automate all actions connected to a browser (Mozilla). If you would like to automate your system as such, then you may need some other script, straightforward commands can automate your system. Even a beginner can automate things using a simple software called as sikuli all you need to do is to tell Sikuli what to do by giving some screenshots and straightforward commands.
A GUI can be used with Sikuli. Sikuli is an open siurce scripting application that will use a mixture of straightforward commands like click, type, wait and so on. There's no internal API support, it simply searches the screen for the image in the screenshot-which implies that you can use it for anything. There's literally no limit on how you utilize it to automate things.
This is too good to be true, but if you watch the following video, you will come to know that this is really easy. If you visit their home page, you get a lot of tutorials and support; it will be a cake walk even for beginners. You can check the video as well as get the software at [url=http://technoages.com/operating-system/apple-mac-os/automate-everything-through-a-simple-script-make-your-computer-listen-to-you/]TechnoAges.com[/url]
Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?
Can someone help me find it?
Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.
Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.
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