Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remembering September 11

It was a very sad day.


Unknown said...

Yes, it sure was! Help to keep the memory alive ... these pages show you how!



ritchie said...


Anonymous said...

I'll say...I bought a brand new truck, I had been looking around Texas for a decent university to get into. A week later I was on a plane to the middle east to get my butt shot off. lol...sucky indeed

Anonymous said...

Yes..it was a horrific day..people forget all the widows, widowers,and orphans left behind..I gave to the orphan fund...I will again if they ask...timbo_rockhard

Anonymous said...

is that all you have to say nikki? that day was a horrible day NEW YORK changed for ever don't ever for get it

Anonymous said...

i hate the mass media and the corporations that control it.i hate the propoganda and lies that are always forgiven while young americans die everyday in iraq.i hate that we supported saddam in killing people who wanted to overthrow him and we told him to kill them cause we wanted him in power.i hate we gave him the weapons to do it.i hate that over a half a million iraqis are dead in a war thats a crime.i hate that the american people had the fear of god instilled in them over weapons of mass destruction that we knew the weapons inspecters said he got rid of after we bombed them in 91.i hate that the president made jokes about him not having the weapons.i hate the fact if americans protest the war they can be locked up for domestic terrorism.i hate the fact we are lied to about fighting for democracy in iraq when we are supposed to be a constitutional republic.i hate that a democracy is what the founding fathers didnt want cause they knew that was 2 wolves and a sheep deciding whats for dinner.i hate the fact people have not seen william rodriguez who was the janitor in the north tower and says there was an explosion in the basement below him before the plane hit the north tower.i hate that there were fires in the basements of the 2 towers and building 7 of over 1500 degrees for 8 weeks when jet fuel can only burn at 700 degrees.i hate that buildings 3,4,5,6 did not collapse and the towers fell on them but building 7 did collapse.i hate the fact that there are no plane engines or any signs of planes in shanksville or the pentagon.i hate the fact that physics experts say its impossible for buildings of that size to fall in that amount of timeunless there was no resistance from the floors below.i hate that means that only explosives could have been used and that the planes were just patsies.i hate the fact that the presidents brother was on the board of directers of the company securacom who was in charge of security of the complex.i hate the fact that poppa bush was meeting with the bin laden family the morning of sept 11th with the carlyle group when the attack happened.i hate the fact that we were running drills of the same scenario on that morning to create confusion with the parties that would have prevented it.i hate that the head of pakistani intelligence was meeting with george tennant that morning and there are documents linking money transfers to the alleged terrorists.i hate the fact that there are hundreds of firemen and police and port authority workers that are under gag orders about talking about explosions.i hate that the same people are dieing cause they were told the air was safe and they should clean the mess so we can rebuild.i hate that they were just cleaning up so that the steel could not be examined.i hate that i have seen huge pieces of steel bent like a pretzel when there are no fractures in it which means it can only happen in extreme heat primaraly derived from military explosives.i hate that few people know about operation able danger,project northwoods or vigilent guardian.i hate that americas mayor rudy was a federal prosecuter and let them sell the steel to china cause he knew that was evidence to the crime.i hate the fact bush said he would use all our resources to figure out who was behind this then did not want it investigated.i hate that the widows know as the jersey girls forced them to have a commission.i hate that the commission was rigged with bush insiders and he had the nerve to appoint henry kissinger as the chairman and the wives had to have him removed because of conflict of interest.i hate the fact that the anthrax that was delivered to tom dashle was united states weapons grade anthrax that only we have and delivered by the rogue element of government known as the neocons and the story just dissapeared.i hate that dick cheney said that if the american public keeps asking questions about sept 11th then we wont be as sharp and prepared to defend the nation and maybe terrorist will hit us with a nuke.i hate that it translates to back the hell off or we will put you in your place.i hate that joe wilson said saddam never tried to purchase nuclear material from niger and in return the neocons leaked that his wife valerie plaim was revealed to be a cia agant and jeapordizing her life for him telling the truth.i hate that there is so much in my head that i have to go back to the fact that bin laden has always been a cia asset.i hate the fact i spoke of planes hitting the towers that i saw everyday and dr.condeleeza rice said no one could have imagined this.i hate the fact that the presidential daily briefing of sept 6th said bin laden determined to strike in u.s. and pilots have been training to fly.i hate the fact she had the nerve to say it didnt have a time ,place or means of attack.i hate she said IT DID NOT SAY IF WE SHOULD TAKE ACTION!i hate that she was promoted because of her lies!i hate that cia directer george tennant admitted in his book he was misleading the american public into a war.i hate that he was given the highest honer the presidential medal of freedom for his lies!i hate that don rumsfeld declared the war on pentagon waste on 9/11/2001 cause 2.3 TRILLION was unaccounted for from the pentagons budget.i hate that the alleged plane was on course for his office then did an insane maneuver and hit the auditing department of the pentagon,where the people who were investigating the 2.3 TRILLION had their offices.i hate the fact that the pentagon has missile defences and cameras all over the place and i have still not seen the plane hit the building.i hate the fact that the federal reserve is responsible for our monetary policy and control the interst rates and our rate of inflation.i hate that the people dont understand that they lend our government money at interest and create that money out of thin air and our illegal federal income tax pays that loan off that can only be paid off by creating war for the military industrial complex to profit from.i hate the fact that we claimed our independance from england cause we were being unfairly taxed by the central bank of england.i hate that as time went by that same entity was able to create the federal reserve act in 1913 which gave them the power to create the currency again.i hate the fact that the federal income tax is unconstitutional and illegal and the irs is nothing more then a strong arm for the government like mafia extortionists.i hate the fact that 4 presidents who were against the federal reserve were all assasinated because of it.i hate that congressman ron paul is against it and may pay for it with his life.i hate that the rothchilds control so much wealth that they and the rest of the scum that created the federal reserve can literaly treat this world like a video game,their own private little matrix.i hate that they dont care about money or power cause all they care about is control.i hate that we have a new president every 4 years to represent the so called free world when the federal reserve chairman gets a 14 year term.i hate arguements about democrat,republican,conservative,liberal when the bottom line is the masters of money own them all cause they create the dollar out of thin air and it truly has no value cause it is no longer backed by gold.i hate the fact that the plan for a one world government cashless sociaey with microchipped slaves cannot be stopped.i hate the phrases we will never forget,we have to fight them there so we dont fight them here,they hate us cause we are free and most of all was 911 an inside job!i hate that the propogandist get the last word and the knowledgeable people cant have a chance to have a rebutle in any mass media presentation of what happened when even i know the rebutles.in hate that bill oriely will be making fun of the truth seekers tonight and no one or some stooge who is planted to look like a bafoon will be responding,or studdering in return.i hate the fact that they use people who lost loved ones to say the truth seekers are nuts when there are more people who lost ones who want the answers to the questions but you dont see them in the mass media.i hate the fact that they used police and firemen to read the names when i was hoping some loved ones would get up there and say they want a new independent investigation.i hate the fact that it is only of concern to most people a handfull of days of the year and it has consumed me since it has happened.i hate the fact since i was 8 years old i would listen to ny ranger games and take my hat off for the national anthem cause i loved my country and the anthem.i hate the fact i cant stand up and be proud of the anthem till the crimes are exposed and something is done about it.i hate that we celebrate independance day on july 4th but we lost our independance on dec 24th 1913 when the federal reserve act was signed.i hate the fact that there are so many things i hate about what i have learned about the country i could type for hours on end.i hate the fact that this is strictly for my own therapy and will fall on deaf ears.i hate the fact that i still have more to vent.i hate the fact that our friends in saudi arabia according to amnesty international has more human rights violations then any country.i hate that the alleged terrorist all came from there.i hate the fact that no matter what the american people do the killing will never stop cause we built the largets military base ever in iraq as a staging ground for iran next,did i say that?i hate the fact that i watch fox news just to see the propoganda and to determine what they want the masses to think so i can decifer their next move.i truly hate that someday i will make a list of the things i love,and it wont be as long as this.

rn7833 said...

it was a sad day

Anonymous said...

As I watched it all unfold live on television, I felt fear... I felt sadness... Most of all, I was pissed off! The whole time tears ran down from my eyes. After living through the OKC bombing, I couldn't have imagined anything more horrific.

Unknown said...

wait ... thats it

Anonymous said...

As a native New Yorker unfortunately I saw the carnage first hand and lost too many friends that day. It will be a day I will never forget.

Anonymous said...

to lifesez:

stop hating so much, you naive 16 old. maybe you should look at bush's predecessor and how he weakened to the US military to a joke. people don't strike at stronger nations, they strike at weaker ones.

in case you haven't noticed, the crap you've been spouting is all propaganda too.

btw, you should consider removing that large object from your anus (your dad's schlong), it seems to be affecting your judgment.

Anonymous said...

I hate that I read this whole comment section and see crap that lifesez writes when all I wanted to read about was sincere sorrow for victims of 9/11 and remembrance instead of ignorance and propaganda. Really I want to say, I can't wait to see Nikki on Brazzers...